Networked Information Technologies: Diffusion and Adoption: Ifip Tc8/Wg8.6 Working Conference on the Diffusion and Adoption of Networked Information Technologies October 6-8, 2003, copen

Networked Information Technologies: Diffusion and Adoption: Ifip Tc8/Wg8.6 Working Conference on the Diffusion and Adoption of Networked Information Technologies October 6-8, 2003, copen - /imga/51Gkud8eZML._SL500_.jpgSpacer

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ReliéFabricant: Springer-Verlag New York Inc. - ASIN: 1402078153 - EAN: 9781402078156

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Networked Information Technologies: Diffusion and Adoption: Ifip Tc8/Wg8.6 Working Conference on the Diffusion and Adoption of Networked Information Technologies October 6-8, 2003, copen

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